Dec 9, 2008

Following the Prophet's Voice

For years we have bugged Jordan about how when he speaks, he begins his sentences strong and audible and then each one peters off into the the distance of nothingness. His strong voice returns for the beginning of the next sentence. This means, we are continuously asking him, what was that, pardon, what did you say? Don't mumble the end of your sentences we would tell him. As we watched our prophet President Monson during the First Presidency Broadcast, Jordan exclaims "Mom! Listen! President Monson does the same thing, he gets softer at the end of EVERY sentence!" I respond "So what you're saying is all this time you were trying to be like President Monson?" He quipped "Hey, we're supposed to follow the prophet and that's what I'm doing!"

A Little Lesson:
It's hard to argue with that!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jordan..... Your moms right. You can't argue with that You are following the VERY BEST Love Grandma Matkin
