Dec 26, 2008

Catch Up

Merry Christmas Everyone! I feel like I have fallen off the earth here at blogland. My server is not down, I am not sick, I have not decided I no longer like to keep a record of my life and I have not been too busy. There is really a limited number of quiet things that I can do between 4am-7am, while my family is sleeping. Blogging is one of my favourites because it is practically silent and I enjoy doing it so much. It started with Tuesday morning when I went to hook up my camera to post and for some reason all of the photo's I took of our fun fondue family night with the Whibley family did not unload, as if I didn't take any pictures at all. I knew I had taken my usual fifty or so, so naturally I was perplexed and decided to come back to it later. The exercise I like most about blogging is reviewing pictures and events that took place the day before and deciding what would I like to remember about this day. Sometimes it is something my children have said, some unique discovery, something philosophical or spiritual or simply a for-the-record kind of post. There is never a day that I am there anything to say? Those who know me, I always have something to say! By Wednesday I had too many things to say and between the snow, and the children, and the fun, and the presents and the family and the friends, I became terribly indecisive and for the first time the whole process became a chore. Now with a few days off and feeling refreshed I will use today to catch up.

A Little Lesson:
The exercise of summarizing a day here on the blog helps me keep all the little things little and the big things big. (one day I will explain more deeply what this really means to me) Keeping perspective is one of the greatest exercises available to us to help us keep our lives in harmony with why we have really come to this earth and what we need to do while we're here. Taking just a moment to have a look at how the day went down is one way I believe we can do this. Prayer, scripture study and going to the temple is definitely another.

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