Nov 14, 2008

Lucky 13

Last night we celebrated our one month anniversary of walking through the magical gates of Disneyland and thus we ate chocolate chip mickey mouse pancakes with chocolate chip chunk ice cream on top for dinner. We reminisced of favourite characters, rides and adventures and it was like we were back in the magic. I saw the plates in the disney store the night we were saying goodbye to Disneyland and I thought, mmmmm I know a way that can make this trip last a really long time. I explained to the kids how 13 is usually an unlucky number but for us the 13th of each month will always be super lucky! Clara didn't understand the superstition conversation, but she was eating ice cream for dinner and life was good!

A Little Lesson:
Breakfast food for dinner is always a hit. Breakfast and dessert food for dinner, the words "mom you rule" float freely and plentifully around the dinner table. It almost makes the "ewwww, sniff sniff, do I have to eat all of this, how many bites do I have to eat" nights almost disappear completely from my consciousness.

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