Nov 3, 2008

Gone to Bed

(Mary and Joseph stopped by a few nights ago.)

Every night this week after the kids go to bed, little groups of talented people will come over to my home and learn, practice and polish their songs. Yesterday, I sat in front of most of the people who will perform in the Festival of Nativities for our first finale rehearsal. They sounded spectacular. I am so grateful for this group of people. They love the gospel as much as I do and seem just as committed and willing to share their testimonies through their music as I do. What a treat to work with such people. Especially when you consider how unconventional I am when it comes to music, printing music, and composing music. My philosophy: the sheet music just reminds us what piece we're playing, now lets get playing so we can go and find the really good notes.

A Little Lesson:
Thank you Jordan, Emily, Clara and Benjamin for being such expert going to bedders these past few weeks. When you read this in twenty years from now, I want you to know it was this bedtime talent you have all developed that made it possible for mommy to serve the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness... I wish we could be there to experience the Festival live! How we would love to take part in it again!
