Apr 21, 2009


I want to learn how to take pictures where the image is sharp and crisp and everything behind it is blurry. Yesterday I tried while waiting in the car, using my macro setting on my camera.
Not bad...see how blurry the speedometer looks? Are those numbers?

A Little Lesson:
Two things...
Keys will never look as beautiful as Kiera Knightly no matter how good I get at this.
Man my car is dusty.


  1. When I first got my digital camera 1 out of 5 pictures was completely focused in the background and the image of interest was blury. Sometimes this technology is like being handed a rubix cube with a tag that says have fun and don`t forget you have a family and a job.

  2. Do what I do and CHEAT! I do this on photoshop.


    Helps bring that blur what I have been wanting. Or i could do it the easier way and buy a camera that is a bit better.
