Jan 25, 2009

A Few Words...

These days I am getting ready to head down to New Orleans at end of next month to present at the big Montessori Conference that is going to be held there. A few days ago, I was reading over my write-up in the conference registration booklet online and I was a little startled at how wonderful and life-changing I made my presentation sound on paper! I wrote the write-up about 6 months ago, and kind of forgotten about it, and now I am feeling a little panicked about delivering such an awe-inspiring presentation. I only promised them new and amazing songs for children about peace and world unity and how through those songs children will grow up to be contributing, conscientious and considerate members of society who will change the world for the better. Just a small thing.

A Little Lesson:
It reminds me of one of Stephen Covey 7 Habits of Highly Effective People exercises that ask us to write what words we would hope are going to be said at our funeral. Make them amazing. Make them life-changing. Make them profound. Then, put the pen down and go spend your life living those words! Just a small thing.


  1. Congratulations, Shelley, this sounds big time! Have fun in New Orleans, I'm sure the family will miss you lots.

    PS: the re-airing of blue bijou on TV is today so I posted a blog post that has lots more details. Enjoy!

  2. If you can't come up with anything (as your conference co-presenter) Lets just teach everyone the Coke song from the 70's
    "Have a Coke and a Smile"
    "I'd like to teach the work to sing, In perfect harmony..."
    I don't think many people would remember it. Then we can give people free cans of pop at then end. It would be great.

  3. Congratulations Shelley. You have done so much good with your talent in music. Love Shauna

  4. I'm sure you and your conference co-presenter (which isn't me) will have a fabulous time setting the world on fire and inspiring many to become all they can be. Is it the usual entourage that will be traveling with you? Have a great time making the world a better place!!
