Dec 10, 2012

It's Simple

It's an easy mistake to make.  Sometimes the Three Kings are so beautiful it's almost inevitable.  But, it doesn't look quite right.  Something off.  It's just a bunch of figurines on a piano. 

There.  .   . now it becomes a nativity scene.  Everyone needed to just turn towards baby Jesus.  The shepherds, the kings, the animals were all carefully crafted to be looking at something.  They came to see . . .Him.
O come let us adore Him. . .

A Little Lesson
It doesn't require a grand renovation, a wardrobe overhaul or an exquisite purchase. Becoming Christ-like is simple.  We just have to turn ourselves towards Him.  Do as He would do.  Be kind, honest, selfless, caring, and my favourite . . .be good.  And then, it's right.  The way it's supposed to be.