I cried today. I cried when I heard the terrible news on the radio that there were possibly dozens of children killed in a school shooting somewhere in Connecticut. I thought of the moms and dads racing from their cars towards the school, pleading with God under their breath, don't let it be mine. I cried when I saw the video footage on CNN of kids being escorted out of the school by swat teams. I thought of all those little children squished into corners and bathrooms and under desks and tables, hiding and wondering if the bullets they were hearing, echoing in the hallways, were going to hurt them. But most of all, I cried when I walked by my little kindergartner's bedroom and thought of all the moms and dads who were coming home today to empty bedrooms where toys and clothes and books were left behind. They didn't know they were saying good bye to their sweet little five-year-olds for the last time this morning. I am heart-broken for those parents. I prayed and prayed for those poor families that they would be comforted in their great suffering today and the days that will follow. The world experienced a terrible, terrrible day today.
A Little Lesson
I wish there was lesson I could learn from this horrific day, so that my little elementary-aged children could be safe from such a senseless tradgedy. Or somehow there was a lesson to teach me how to make sure this never happens to our family. But there is not. Instead we can only hope and pray each day we will be able to endure the experiences that come our way. So I hope and pray . . .each day.