May 23, 2009


Before we had multiple kids and a dog, our backyard was beautiful.
The grass was green and there were just a few toys scattered amongst the foliage.

Several Lucy digs, snow storms, house renovations, swing sets,
biking obstacle courses, and soccer drills later, our yard was
looking like it needed a serious make over.

After general conference I asked Craig if he would
convert 1/2 of our yard into a garden plot.
He said yes . . .

Garden boxes were measured, a fence was erected, dirt was brought in and . . .

voila . . .

a garden was born.

Thanks sweetheart.

A Little Lesson:

It's time for these little guys to join the real world and experience
real rain
real wind
real sun
real weeds
and then they will grow
deep roots
strong stems
and bear fruit.
This all sounds very familiar. . .
p l a n o f s a l v a t i o n.


  1. Hi Shelley, time for me to get back to the world of blogging so that my family journal is full of all the wonderful things in life. It is going to be so fun to read your blog. I have been trying to garden this week as well...must be the beautiful sunshine. I didn't know you have a website and a little business. Can't wait to read more and find out what your website it and what your business is all about...thanks for the inspiration.

  2. CONTRACTOR! What the heck! I wish! I bet you even had everything delivered.
    It is gorgeous! Hope you have invested in more canning jars! Come to the dark side of steam canning! Hope you have wonderful growing lessons out there too.

  3. Your garden boxes looks great. Craig you put Bob the Builder to shame.

