May 5, 2009

Eating Crepes

A little thing happened the other day...
I got a phone call from Linda, the friend that I wrote that children's opera for a few months ago, and she announced CBC heard about the little opera and decided they wanted to come and record it! It went something like this. The lead of the little opera, Emma, was eating crepes with her mom in a restaurant when they overheard the "opera conversations" of the people next to them. Her mom boldly asked who they were, and it turned out they were sitting next to John McMaster, Canada's leading tenor superstar. He is famous worldwide. After a little small talk about his opera and Emma's little opera it turned out John, the international opera star, knew Linda, the opera-singing elementary school teacher and had worked with her at the Vancouver Opera and wanted to come and see what all the excitement was about, and he decided to invite the CBC radio along with him. They will air the show, which will predominantly be about John the superstar, on June 20th, nationally on the show Saturday afternoon at the Opera from 1pm -4pm. I am not sure how much of the children's opera they will play but hey, what a story eh?

First, John came and watched the opera, while CBC recorded it . . .

Then, John sang for the kids. It was incredible.
Do you like how I call him John, as if we've become great friends, well, we practically are.

Another newspaper called the Burnaby News Leader
also picked up the story you can watch


A Little Lesson:
I think the moral of the story is . . .we should all go out for crepes more often!

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome Shelley. Congratulations.
