Feb 2, 2009

Date Night

This is my fiddle playing buddy Diana, who
came to watch the ones left behind.

This is daddy's date.
She is cute, funny and full of beans!

This is mommy's date.
He is tall, handsome and full of smarts!

This is the little girl, who was too sick to go on a date
and the little boy who was too young to go on a date.

A Little Lesson:
Of course we all love our kids. Sometimes I try to imagine my children as regular people that live down the street or who are in my science class. I'm convinced I would be desperate to be their friends. I really like who they are. Of course, I am biased.


  1. I'm biased too, but I think all my GRANDCHILDREN ROCK!!!!!!! ! LOve you all Grandma M

  2. SHelley!! It is so good to find your blog! Your kids have grown up so much. WOW! Things are so different now aren't they. I will have to catch up on your blog to figure out what you are up to these days.

  3. I remember those dates! Some of my favorite memories! Hope you all had a fabulous time and the ones left behind are feeling better.
