Jul 30, 2008

Wishes Come True

Two years ago Jordan came to me and said "Next year mom I only want one thing for Christmas...a baby brother."  I smiled and thought what a nice thing to say and went on with my day.  He didn't give up.  He brought it up every couple of weeks and I would always smile and tell him what a nice boy he was.  Late in the year, at the end of November  I was having an unusual amount of heartburn and decided I had better look into it a little deeper and lo and behold we were going to have our fourth baby.  Surely one of the best surprises we'd ever had.  It was hard to believe.  I found out on December 4th we were having a little boy and that meant we were actually able to give Jordan his wish. We announced it to Jordan and the rest of the family Christmas morning 2007.  There was something quite magical about the whole thing.  Kind of the way you feel after watching a Christmas special as a kid...I'm too old to believe in Santa but...maybe he is real.  Now when I look at the two of them, it's like little Benjamin knows that his big brother wished him to this earth.  I love seeing them together.

A Little Lesson:
I try to never look at life and it's experiences as coincidences.  I believe when this journey we take here is all over we will sit down to review our lives on the really big screen tv in heaven we will be amazed at how much our lives were touched by carefully orchestrated blessings.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful for Benjamin to have Jordan as an older brother. He is a great example of love and kindness.
    love de
