Jul 23, 2008

Animal House

We are heading out of town in a few days and leaving our troop of animals behind. I have hired a house sitter/friend who will become the animal keeper while we're gone. Our animals don't just live life as family pets. No Way! Each of them has a part time job on the side that helps them earn their keep.

First there is our crazy cats Ben and John. Who names their cats Ben and John? We got them as brothers from the SPCA and that was their names when we picked them up. We waited too long to change them and the not so creative names stuck. They also double as:

-Full-time mouse catchers, to make sure we NEVER see a mouse again.

-Basement toys, when the girls tire of activities on the main floor and outside they head downstairs and play with the cats.

Then there is Sunshine our Japanese Fighting Fish. He used to have two brothers, may they rest in peace. This little guy also works as:
-periodic Family Home Evening object lessons

-Benjamin amuser when he is stuck in his high chair

Finally there is our beloved Lucy, also known as Loosey Goosey. She also works as:
-Clara's playmate during the day when the older kids head off to school
-backyard notifier if anyone comes near our yard when the kids play outside
-our night time alarm system

It's a little hairy some of the time, literally, but each of the animals knows the family pecking order and things run pretty smoothly. At least until daddy gets home.

A little lesson:
There are two kinds of people. Those who love animals, and those who put up with the people who love animals. Can you guess who my husband is?


  1. Shelley!! So good to see you have succombed to the dark side of blogging! ha ;) We all welcome you with open arms! Mum sent me your link this morning - and I love that this was the first post I read. I love your little life lessons! I hope all is well.


  2. You're blogging! Great to reconnect with you online, Shelley :) Hard to believe the kittens are so big now! Love the pictures that Diana took of your kids.
