Jul 17, 2009


I am happy to say my computer crashing ordeal is over and 98.9 % of my data was recovered. It took a chunk out of my emotional reserves as I really faced the reality that I might have lost so much of what I cared so much about. It was difficult as the computer hospital would phone and we would discuss what felt like my life in terms of just one word . . .data. They would say "well it looks like we were able to access most of your data, however there was some damage in some regions. . ." My mind would drift away thinking about the Mac commercial on TV that has the goofy PC guy with all the problems and the cool MAc guy who I swore used to say in the commercials "when you buy a mac you never experience problems again, ever, ever, ever, and you don't even need to worry about backing things up because Macs never get viruses or break down or have technical issues, really. Buy a Mac." I swear that is what cool Mac guy used to say so I believed him. These days cool Mac guy is not looking so cool. I don't think the computer doctor had ever had so many prayers said on his behalf to be skillfull in finding all of my lost data. My beautiful Mac is home safe and sound and life has returned to normal. I must say I still love my Mac and would never want to live without one.

A Little Lesson:Text Colour
The obvious lesson: back up your computer.

The less obvious lesson: it is the things we value most in life - our children, our memories, our families, our companions, our testimonies, our health, our friendships, that have to sit side by side with the mindless daily tasks that take up our time day in day out. They sit together on the To Do list and wait to be picked. Neglect of these precious things in the name of b u s y n e s s can leave us with sorrow and pain that can be deep and life altering. Neglect of these precious things can leave us with a phone call that might end up saying. . .it just wasn't able to be recovered.

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