Jul 8, 2014


I know, I know, word clouds are yesterday's news, but I still think they're pretty awesome.
You can click here and do one for yourself for free online.
Each of these words represent something I love and enjoy or something I once loved and enjoyed.
What beautiful words these are.

A Little Lesson
But let's be honest, there is usually another whole set of words that can also describe us . . . 

how on earth did my kitchen get so messy?    d i s c o u r a g e d
what do you mean you didn't eat any of your lunch?   a n g r y 
why is gaining weight so much easier than losing it?   f r u s t r a t e d 
are my kids really going to fight about this?  d i s a p p o i n t e d 
did I honestly just spend that much money at Costco?  e x h a u s t e d
did my kid really just smell the dinner I put in front of him?  f e d   u p 

What we choose to think about will always make all the difference.

Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly . . .
D&C 121:45