Aug 17, 2009


I have spent most of the summer away.
Jordan's Historica Nationals in Ottawa,
Camping with Colleen in Kelowna,
Craig's gettaway gift from Telus in Victoria,
Our family reunion in Whistler,
Our family reunion in Fairmont Hotsprings
They were all so fun, so exciting and so relaxing and so enjoyable.
It is so good to be home.
I missed my garden, our routine, my flowers, our routine, my bed, and my routine.

Don't get me wrong. . .
I am not complaining.
Some summers our only exodus is to 7-11 to get slurpees.

With all the travel it meant some of the basics went out the minivan window . . .
sitting together as a family for breakfast studying scriptures
replaced with grabbing muffins at ferry terminals and early morning drive-through windows in small towns
bedtime routine with stories and checking in
replaced with late nights and sleep overs with cousins and buddies every night
replaced with swims at hotel and resort pools
going to church in our ward
replaced with attending foreign wards and lots of driving.

It will be nice to do these things again.
I am not complaining.

A Little Lesson:
You know when you are surfing on the internet
and you are on a favourite website
and you click on a link and it takes you somewhere cool
and then another link
somewhere cool
another link
another cool place
another link
another cool page
another link . . .
eventually you feel a little lost and all you want to do is press
H O M E.
That is how I feel.